Why Should You Buy Our Coffee?

coffee, organic, hand grinder, Chemex, kettle

It’s a valid question. There are so many options out there for coffee, so why should you buy ours?

Here are a few reasons!

We are passionate about sharing great coffee with you. 

We started our roasting business because we wanted to offer unique, excellent coffees to our customers; and, having travelled to many cafes/roasters on the West Coast, these coffees are typically WAY more expensive than we wanted to charge our customers. 

Our coffee is fresh.

When you buy coffee off of a grocery store’s shelf, chances are, it’s months old. We roast weekly and strive to only roast what we can sell in a week. 

Price doesn’t always equal quality, and you aren’t just paying for the brand. 

We have a low overhead, and we aren’t charging you for anything but the quality of our coffee—not the rent of an expensive space in a big city or because we have a big name. However, if a coffee is more expensive on our site, it really is because it is a more expensive (and usually higher grade) origin. 

Not all coffee is created equal. 

Just because a big brand carries an Ethiopia, it may be of significantly lower quality than ours. Being so small, we can afford to pick only the best micro lots available—when they are the freshest. We didn’t broker a deal years in advance and get stuck with sub-par lots that we have to sell now. 

We support ethical, sustainable coffee. 

Though not every coffee we buy is organic certified (see our blog post on Organic coffee), we only buy coffees that are grown to organic standards. And these coffees are typically grown in a manner that supports the well-being of other wildlife, habitats, and the planet at large. Such coffee pays farmers a wage far exceeding market value for their coffee; we get better coffee, they get more money! Win-win!

We will help you brew better coffee. 

We like helping people brew amazing coffee at home. So we are taking the guesswork out of it for you! No more hidden recipes, pretense, etc. We just want to help. For free! 

We are here for you!

We love working with our customers to make them HAPPY!

I hope this gives a little insight into why our coffee is different!

